If Rotary Clubs are paying by check, where do they send it? Make check out to Rotary District 5160 (Camp Royal) and mail to: Camp Royal c/o Marc Monachello 3019 Concord Place Davis CA 95618. Payment is due within 10 days after confirmation of slots.
What if our club cannot fill a slot? Fees are not refundable however clubs may coordinate between themselves if a club has an ‘unsponsored camper’ they would like to see sponsored. The Registrar will maintain a list of ‘unsponsored campers’ we are aware of and try to facilitate the process.
The Camper Online Registration process has three parts. Shortly after your Rotary contact inputs your contact info into a camp database (the slot reservation file), the Registrar will send you an email explaining the registration process.
If a camper has to modify the online Rotary registration, use the link to access it. And remember, you can always contact the Registrar if you have any questions (monachello@hotmail.com or 916 752 3707).